David E. Breen: Research Interests - Computer Animation

My interests in computer animation led me into an 8-year team effort at RPI, in cooperation with Bill Lorensen's group at GE's Corporate R&D Center, to create an object-oriented computer animation system, The Clockworks (See Breen et al. 1987, and Getto and Breen 1990). I was personally involved in the development of the system's object-oriented kernel (See Breen et al. 1989), graphics device interface, interactive geometric modeler, and choreography tools. With respect to the choreography features of The Clockworks, I developed some of its scripting tools (Breen and Wozny 1989), a cost minimization approach to motion generation (Breen 1989 and Breen 1997), and a general simulation capability for simple object interaction (Breen and Kuehn 1989).

The Clockworks is a software package that was distributed to several of the industrial associates and academic collaborators of RPI's Design Research Center.

Research Results

Last modified on Thursday, November 26, 1998.